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Someday I will visit Japan

Hello, today I come to talk about my favorite country in the world and what I would like to visit at some point in my life.

That country is Japan. In general, I like everything that has to do with oriental culture such as food, music, animation series and architecture. Two years ago, I was in Taiwan and decided that my next destination would be Japan. And later I would travel to South Korea.

On my trip I would go on vacation and hopefully be very extensive lol I would visit the cities of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Shibuya and Odaiba. This last two because they remind me a lot of the anime Digimon.

While there I would like to eat a lot of ramen, cooked in many ways. And obviously I will try all the possible typical foods (like the sushi burger hahaha)

I would also like to visit places related to J-Pop and the production of animated series.


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