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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

More practical journalism

On this occasion I want to comment on the most important shortcomings of the curriculum of my career. In the Universidad de Chile, the curriculum of Journalism currently has many problems, in different areas. Although the curriculum was reformed two years ago, it has not been possible to give a complete solution to these failures. Specifically, I value that there are branches related to the theory of communication, since it forms as critical and integral professionals. However, many times these subjects have academic charges even higher than our specialized branches (right mind of journalism). What usually produces the demotivation of students. For example, many times we spend more time doing extensive essays or reading hundreds of pages of academic texts than developing journalistic products. Our career should be more practical and we should have more time to dedicate ourselves to reporting or research in the field. Also, I think there should be a mandatory course on jou

A summer of journalism and rest

Hello, this time I will talk about my plans for this summer. I would like to do three things mainly: work on my thesis to get a degree next year, go to Temuco and Argentina to visit my uncles and, above all, rest because I need it too. First, I hope to complete the planning to complete my journalistic project. Throughout the month of January I will be dedicated to conducting interviews, reporting in the field and searching for testimonies for my story. My project is about crimes against the LGBTI population in Chile, so I feel the responsibility to do it in a serious and responsible way. So far I have six interviews and during the month of January I intend to do the twelve that I need. It sounds difficult. Considering that four years ago I have dedicated my summers to work or to do my professional practice, this summer I would like to go on a trip to the south. I intend to travel alone and I hope to find interesting adventures. Since I have family in the places I wan